Neil Burton
Head of Orthopaedic Service- RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
- RCVS Diplomate in Small Animal Surgery
- RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
- Head of Orthopaedic Service
Neil graduated from the University of Bristol in 2001 and worked in primary care practice for three years before returning to Bristol undertaking a one-year surgical internship and a four-year surgical residency position in orthopaedics and neurosurgery sponsored by Intervet-Schering-Plough.
In 2009 he was awarded the Leslie Vaughan prize by the BVOA, a Mark S. Bloomberg Award by the Veterinary Orthopaedic Society for research on canine developmental elbow disease and, in 2011, an ACVS Foundation Outstanding Resident Award. He achieved the RCVS Diploma in Small Animal Orthopaedics in 2011 and became a RCVS Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics) the same year. Neil has lectured both nationally and internationally at BSAVA, BVOA, VOS and ESVOT.
Neil has published over 40 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and written several book chapters. He initiated the canine elbow and knee replacement programs at the University of Bristol and is a past Scientific Chairman of the BVOA. He has also been on the examination faculty for the RCVS Diploma in Small Animal Surgery. He is certified by BioMedtrix to perform cemented, cementless, hybrid, nano and micro hip replacement, 3rd generation canine TATE total elbow and total knee and was the first surgeon in the U.K. to perform the BioMedtrix canine ankle replacement surgery. He has been awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for meritorious contributions to clinical practice.
Outside of work Neil enjoys trying to keep up with his two young children.
Watch an interview with Neil >
- Jaworski J, Burton NJ (2023) Canine elbow realignment osteotomy for treatment of axial humeroradial or humeroulnar incongruity in four dogs. Vet Record Case Reports e726
- Burton NJ. (2023) Review of minimally invasive surgical procedures for assessment and treatment of medial coronoid process disease. Veterinary Surgery. ;52(6):790-800.
- Burton NJ, Horsewill H, Sparks TH, Caruso I. (2023). Design and topographic evaluation of a canine humeral anatomic plating system (CHAPS) for humeral condylar fracture repair in spaniels. Veterinary Surgery;52(3):446-459.
- Gander Soares D, Allen MJ, Burton NJ.(2022) Bone density of the humeral condyle in Labrador retrievers with medial coronoid process disease. Journal of Small Animal Practice.63(11):821-828.
- Baud KU, Treharne DR, Soares DG, Burton NJ (2021) Clients' perception of referral and veterinary specialists in a U.K. small animal referral hospital. Veterinary Record. 2021 Feb;188(3):e11. doi: 10.1002/vetr.11. Epub 2021 Jan 19. PMID: 34651875
- Carwardine DR, Gosling MJ, Burton NJ, O’Malley, FL, Parsons KJ (2021) Three-dimensional-printed patient-specific osteotomy guides, reposition guides and titanium plates for acute correction of antebrachial limb deformities in dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 34(1): 43-52
- Carnonell Buj E, Burton NJ, Mosley JR, Meeson RL, Major A, Whitelock RG, Parsons K, Langley-Hobbs SJ. (2021) Isolated articular fractures of the canine talus: diagnosis and signalment in fourteen dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 34(1): 68-73
- Baud K, Griffin S, Martiniez-Taboada F, Burton NJ (2020) CT evaluation of elbow congruity in dogs: radial incisure verses apical medial coronoid process fragmentation. Journal of Small Animal Practice 61(4): 224-229
- Silveira F, Monotti IC, Cronin AM, Macdonald NJ, Rutherford S, Tiffinger K, Faux I, Rincon-Alvarez J, Kulendra E, Tavola F, Santos B, Burton NJ (2020) Outcome following surgical stabilisation of distal diaphysial and supracondylar femoral fractures in dogs. Canadian Veterinary Journal 10: 1073-1079
- Williams H, Burton NJ, Kulendra E, Arthurs G, Radke H, Parsons K (2019) Lateral radial head subluxation as a complication following proximal ulna osteotomy / ostectomy in eight dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 32(2) 250-256
- Gosling MJ, Taboada FM, te Lintelo G, Burton NJ (2019) Evaluation of TATE elbow milling technique on component-bone interface. Veterinary Surgery 48(1): 50-56
- Haine DL, Parsons K, Barthelemy N, Burton NJ, Langley-Hobbs SL (2019) Outcome of surgical stabilization of acetabular fractures in 16 cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 21 (6): 520-528
- Nutt A, Shaw T, Knowles T, Burton NJ (2018) Radiological evaluation of TATE elbow cartridge positioning in dogs. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 31(6) 458 - 472
- Treharne DR, Burton NJ (2018) Patellar mal-tracking as a cause of lameness in two Dachshunds. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology Open 00: 1 - 4
- Burton NJ, Meakin L, Holdsworth A, Parsons KJ (2018) Reliability of CT measurement of induced radioulnar step in dogs using a circle superimposition technique. Journal of Small Animal Practice 59(2): 92-97
- Henderson ER, Wills A, Torrington AM, Moores AP, Thomson D, Arthurs G, Brown G, Denny HR, Scott HW, McQueen I, Dunne J, Onyett J, Walker JD, Prior J, Owen MR, Burton NJ, Whitelock R, Girling S, Morrison S, Gilbert S, Langley-Hobbs SJ, Gemmill TJ, Störk CK, Bright S, Comerford E, Pettitt R, Macdonald N, Innes JF (2017) Evaluation of variables influencing success and complication rates in canine total hip replacement: results from the British Veterinary Orthopaedic Association Canine Hip Registry (collation of data: 2010-2012). Veterinary Record 181(1): 18
- Field EJ, Parsons K, Etches JA, Hamilton K, Burton NJ (2016) Effect of monocortical and bicortical screw numbers on the properties of a locking plate-intramedullary rod configuration: An in vitro study on a canine femoral fracture gap model. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 29(6): 459-465
- Meakin LB, Gilman OP, Parsons KJ, Burton NJ, Langley-Hobbs SJ (2016) Coloured indicator undergloves increase the detection of glove perforations by surgeon during small animal orthopaedic surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Veterinary Surgery 45(6): 726-735
- De Sousa RJ, Parsons KJ, Owen MR, Grierson J, McKee WM, Kulundra E, Burton NJ (2016) Radiographic, Surgeon and Owner Assessment of the BioMedtrix TATE elbow arthroplasty. Veterinary Surgery 45(6): 726-735
- Burton NJ, Parsons KJ, Cunliffe M, Warren-Smith CM, Ness MG, Fenton G (2016) Canine Elbow Realignment Osteotomy (CERO): Validation of the accuracy of acute radial lengthening in a cadaveric incongruency model. Veterinary Surgery 45(5): 642-650
- Shimizu N, Warren-Smith CM, Langley-Hobbs SJ, Burton NJ, Kulendra E, Bradley K, Bowen E, Holdsworth A, Parsons KJ (2015) Inter- and intraobserver agreement in interpretation of CT features of medial coronoid process disease. Journal of Small Animal Practice 56(12):707-13
- Hamilton K, Tarlton J, Parsons K, Toscano M, Burton NJ (2015) Effect of osteotomy position and tibial plateau rotation on the tensile force required for failure of the canine quadriceps mechanism. Veterinary Surgery 44(6): 763-771
- Skinner OT, Warren-Smith CM, Burton NJ, Parsons KJ. (2015) Computed tomographic evaluation of elbow congruity during arthroscopy in a canine cadaveric model. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 28(1):19-24
- Phillips A, Burton NJ, Warren-Smith CM, Kulendra ER, Parsons KJ. Topographic bone density of the radius and ulna in Greyhounds and Labrador retrievers with and without medial coronoid process disease. Vet Surg. 2015 Feb;44(2):180-90
- Das S, Thorne R, Langley-Hobbs SJ, Perry KL, Burton NJ, Mosley JR (2015) Patellar ligament rupture in the cat: repair methods and patient outcomes in seven cases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 17(4): 348-352
- Das S, Thorne R, Lorenz ND, Clarke SP, Madden M, Langley-Hobbs SJ, Perry KL, Burton NJ, Moores AL, Moseley JR (2014) Patellar ligament rupture in the dog: repair methods and patient outcomes in 43 cases. Veterinary Record 175 (15): 370
- Addison ES, Emmerson TD, de la Puerta B, Groth A, Black T, Smith BA, Burton NJ, Toscano MJ, Wallace AM (2015) Evaluation of osteotomy accuracy and rotational and angular alignment for cranial closing wedge ostectomy performed with and without alignment aids. Veterinary Surgery 44(1): 78-84
- Burton NJ, Wallace AM, Parsons K, Colborne GR (2014) Total knee replacement in a dog with a non-union type B3 tibial plateau fracture. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 27(2): 159-165
- Burton NJ, Warren-Smith CMR, Roper DP, Parsons KJ (2013) CT assessment of the influence of dynamic loading on physiological incongruence of the canine elbow. Journal of Small Animal Practice 54(6):291-8
- Burton NJ, Ellis JR, Burton KJ, Wallace, Colborne GR (2013) An ex vivo investigation of the effect of the TATETM canine elbow arthroplasty system on kinematics of the elbow. Journal of Small Animal Practice 54(5):240-7
- Delisser PJ, McCombe GP, Trask RS, Etches JA, German AJ, Holden SL, Wallace AM, Burton NJ (2013) Ex vivo evaluation of the biomechanical effect of varying monocortal screw numbers on a plate-rod canine femoral gap model. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 26(3): 177-185
- Burton NJ, Miles AW, Pollintine P (2013) Biomechanical comparison of a novel castless arthrodesis plate with T-plate and cross pin techniques for canine partial carpal arthrodesis. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 26(3): 165-171
- Burton NJ, Fitzpatrick N, Wallace AM (2013) Evaluation of cut accuracy and cis cortical damage for tibial plateau leveling osteotomy performed with and without the aid of a novel saw guide: an in vitro study. Veterinary Surgery 42(1): 28-37
- Forster KE, Wills A, Torrington AM, Moores AP, Thomson D, Arthurs G, Brown G, Denny HR, Scott HW, MacQueen I, Dunne J, Onyett J, Walker JD, Prior J, Owen MR, Burton N, Whitelock R, Girling S, Morrison S, Gilbert S, Langley-Hobbs SJ, Gemmill TJ, Innes JF (2012) Complications and owner assessment of canine total hip replacement: a multicentre internet based survey Veterinary Surgery Jul;41(5):545-50.
- Delisser PJ, Burton NJ (2012) What is your diagnosis? 3-year old neutered male Burmese cat with a 3-month history of nonspecific hind limb gait abnormalities. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1: 240(11): 1289-1290
- Bush MA, Sibley P, Owen MA, Burton NJ, Owen MR, Colborne GR (2012) Inverse dynamics analysis evaluation of tibial tuberosity advancement for cranial cruciate ligament failure in dogs. Veterinary Surgery 41(4): 471-481
- Burton NJ, Owen MR, Kirk LS, Toscano MJ, Colborne GR (2011) Conservative verses arthroscopic management for medial coronoid process disease in dogs: A prospective gait evaluation. Veterinary Surgery 40(8): 972-80
- Burton NJ (2011) Composite fixation of comminuted ilial wing fractures in cats: three cases. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 13: 376-382
- Burton NJ, Perry MJ, Fitzpatrick N, Owen, MR (2010) Comparison of bone mineral density in medial coronoid processes of dogs with and without medial coronoid process fragmentation. American Journal of Veterinary Research 71:41–46
- Burton NJ, Colborne GR, Toscano MJ, Owen MR (2009) Can owners and clinicians assess outcome in dogs with fragmented medial coronoid process? Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 22: 183–189
- Burton NJ, Dobney JA, Owen MR, Colborne GR (2008) Joint angle, moment and power compensations in dogs with fragmented medial coronoid process. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 21: 110 – 118
- Burton NJ, Toscano MJ, Barr FJ, Owen MR (2008) Reliability of radiological assessment of ulnar trochlear notch sclerosis in dysplastic canine elbows. Journal of Small Animal Practice 49: 572-576
- Burton NJ, Owen MR (2007) Limb alignment of pes valgus in a giant breed dog by plate-rod fixation. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 20: 236-240
- Burton NJ, Owen MR (2007) Treatment of a shoulder luxation in a forelimb amputee dog. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 20: 146-149
- Burton NJ, Comerford EJ, Bailey M, Pead MJ, Owen, MR (2007) Digital analysis of ulnar trochlear notch sclerosis in Labrador retrievers. Journal of Small Animal Practice 48: 220-224