Emergency and Critical CareEmergency and critical care (ECC) is specifically concerned with the stabilisation and treatment of seriously unwell patients. Both the out of hours (OOH) team and the daytime intensive care unit (ICU) team are tasked with monitoring and providing ongoing care for these patients, in conjunction with other specialist services at the hospital.

Wear Referrals is fortunate to have a dedicated ICU, specifically for monitoring and caring for patients with more complicated needs whose condition may change suddenly. These patients are admitted through our referral services, or the OOH service and admitted to ICU if their condition is thought to require intensive treatment.

The ICU is maintained 24 hours a day by a dedicated team.

Wear Referrals has a range of equipment to help the staff monitor and provide treatment to patients, including oxygen points next to the kennels; ECG monitoring; blood pressure monitoring; oxygen saturation monitoring and ultrasound. We also have access to a defibrillator and dedicated ‘crash trolley’ for the most serious emergencies.

What cases are treated?

ICU cases can include patients with tracheostomy tubes and airway problems; patients with signs of shock who need intensive fluid therapy; patients suspected of having seizures and patients with arrhythmias; acute renal failure; diabetic ketoacidosis; unstable diabetics; complex endocrine disorders; patients requiring blood transfusions.

Patients recovering from certain surgical or medical procedures may be placed in ICU after their procedure until they are more stable. The facility and associated level of care is available to any patient attending Wear Referrals whose condition requires it.

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The Intensive Care Team

Meet the team members that look after all things intensive care at Wear Referrals.