Please notify your pet insurance company that you have been referred as this is required with most insurance policies. You will also need to check if there are any exclusions on your pet's policy, the policy excess and the maximum level of cover.
Our general policy is you will need to pay for your pet’s treatment and claim this back through your insurance company. We can help you complete insurance claim forms and there is no charge for us to send off a claim where you have settled the cost of the treatment.
We understand this won’t always be a possibility for owners, so we do offer the option of a direct claim, subject to terms and conditions.
This involves us claiming the cost of treatment from your insurance company and incurs a £46 administration fee each time a direct claim check is carried out by our insurance co-ordinator. This administration fee must be settled prior to treatment being carried out for your pet.
Not all insurance companies offer the option of a direct claim, so this must be discussed before your first appointment so we can speak to your insurance company.
Please note, direct claims cannot be requested at the time of collection of your pet, once treatment has already been carried out, and your primary care practice cannot authorise a direct claim on our behalf.
We require an insurance claim form signed by the policy holder to be handed in on each occasion your pet receives treatment. If the policy holder can’t attend the appointment, please contact our client care team.
Insurance policy excess
The excess is the amount your insurance company will not settle and which you must pay. It can be a fixed amount, a percentage of the bill or a combination of both.
It is the owner's responsibility to be aware of the policy excess to be settled. At the time of a direct claim being agreed, we ask for a payment of the excess specified on the policy, alongside the £46 administration fee, regardless of whether you believe this may already have been paid.
Any overpayment on your behalf would be refunded upon completion of the claim and payment settled to Wear Referrals from your insurance company.
Excesses which involve settling a percentage of the bill can result in a significant sum, so we ask owners to be aware of the costs likely to be incurred when agreeing to treatment.
Any shortfall in the cost of treatment which is not covered by your insurance company will be payable to Wear Referrals by you, the owner.